Do you need to call one or both of the junior U.S. Senators of Ohio? Need assistance with a federal department that is no longer answering their phones/emails because employees have been fired or put on administrative leave? You haven’t received your Social Security check, Veteran’s checks/assistance? Would you like to voice your opinion on the spectacle that is going on in DC with Co-presidents Musk and 45/47? Remember: Call once a day and twice on Sunday.
Here is a new resource: 5 Calls. It takes 5 minutes to make 5 calls. 5 Calls is the easiest and most effective way for constituents to make a political impact. YOU CAN MAKE AN IMPACT! SPEAK UP! Phone calls work! Even if you just leave a message, your voice will be heard!
Getting started with 5 Calls.
It’s as easy as 1 – 2 – 3!
1. Choose an issue you care about.
Make calls in support of progressive issues. 5 Calls updates their issue list regularly as legislation develops and removes topics as soon as they’re no longer relevant. The list includes the name of the bill, the bill number and a short description of the issue. When you call your legislator, make sure you state the name of the bill and the bill number.
If you don’t see your issue on the list, please reach out to 5 Calls.
2. Enter your location.
Next, 5 Calls staff will figure out who you need to call. We can find your location for you, or you can enter a zip code or address manually. If your ZIP code is in more than one Congressional district we may show our best guess for your representative. Use an address or cross streets to more accurately locate you.
Your location stays private. 5 Calls doesn’t store it nor never sells data to third parties.
3. Make your calls.
5 Calls provides you with a script and tells you who to call for your chosen issue, from Representatives and Senators to Governors and Attorneys General. Once you mark the result of your call, 5 Calls will show you the next person’s number. 5 Calls in 5 Minutes. EASY!
To sign up with 5 Calls, visit here.
No matter your Congressperson’s politics, calling works!
You need to let your congressperson know!
When they talk to colleagues,
they use call tallies and personal stories from constituents
to better support their positions.
If you decide not to use the 5 Calls link,
below you will find the direct telephone numbers for
Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur
Ohio’s junior senators.
Toledo: 419-259-7500
Ohio Toll Free: 800-964-4699
Bernie Moreno (R)
Email using an online form:
Call his offices (Once a day; Twice on Sunday):
Washington, D.C.: 202-224-2315
Cincinnati: 513-684-1021
Cleveland: 216-522-7272
Columbus: 614-469-2083
Jon Husted (R)
Email using an online form:
Call his office (One a day; Twice on Sunday):
Washington, D.C.: 202-224-3353
Ohio offices not set up.