You must let your legislators hear your opinion on issues important to you! This is easy to do! Let’s get started!
Here is a new resource: 5 Calls. It takes 5 minutes to make 5 calls. 5 Calls is the easiest and most effective way for constituents to make a political impact. YOU CAN MAKE AN IMPACT! SPEAK UP! Phone calls work! Even if you just leave a message, your voice will be heard!
Getting started with 5 Calls.
It’s as easy as 1 – 2 – 3!
1. Choose an issue you care about.
Make calls in support of progressive issues. 5 Calls updates their issue list regularly as legislation develops and removes topics as soon as they’re no longer relevant. The list includes the name of the bill, the bill number and a short description of the issue. When you call your legislator, make sure you state the name of the bill and the bill number.
If you don’t see your issue on the list, please reach out to 5 Calls.
2. Enter your location.
Next, 5 Calls staff will figure out who you need to call. We can find your location for you, or you can enter a zip code or address manually. If your ZIP code is in more than one Congressional district we may show our best guess for your representative. Use an address or cross streets to more accurately locate you.
Your location stays private. 5 Calls doesn’t store it nor never sells data to third parties.
3. Make your calls.
5 Calls provides you with a script and tells you who to call for your chosen issue, from Representatives and Senators to Governors and Attorneys General. Once you mark the result of your call, 5 Calls will show you the next person’s number. 5 Calls in 5 Minutes. EASY!
You can make phone calls at any time – day or night! You can leave a message on their office answering machine when you call. Staff members will document your opinions and let your legislator know your point of view.
- Best Practice: A short, concise message; no venting.
- Best Practice: No matter how or when you contact your legislator, always let them know you are a voting constituent, your name and what your zip code is. If you would like for them to respond back to you with their position on issues, tell them you would like a response and give them your full name, address, city and zip code.
To sign up with 5 Calls, visit here.
No matter your Congressperson’s politics, calling works!
You need to let your Congressperson know!
When they talk to colleagues,
they use call tallies and personal stories from constituents
to better support their positions.
If you decide not to use 5 Calls link, below you will find all contact information for your local elected officials. SPEAK UP! Your voice is important for your elected officials to hear!
As a reminder: Even if Congresswoman Kaptur has already signed onto a bill, please contact her to THANK her for supporting bills you also support! Congressmembers always appreciate hearing from constituents!
U.S. Representative Marcy Kaptur (D-9):
By E-mail:
- Click here for link.
By Phone:
- Defiance: (419) 259-7500
- Toledo: (419) 259-7500
- Washington DC: (202) 225-4146
- Toll Free Ohio Only: 1-800-964-4699
By U.S. Postal Service:
- Defiance District Office
101 Clinton Street, Room 2300
Defiance, OH 43512 - Toledo District Office
One Maritime Plaza – #600
Toledo, OH 43604 - Washington DC Office
2314 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20515
U.S. Senator Bernie Moreno (R):
By E-mail:
- Visit here to share your opinion.
By Phone:
- Cleveland: (216) 522-7272
- Cincinnati: (513) 684-1021
- Columbus: (614) 469-2083
- Washington DC: (202) 224-2315
By U.S. Postal Service:
- Cleveland District Office
Carl B. Stokes U.S. Courthouse
801 W Superior Ave., STE 1400
Cleveland, OH 44113 - Cincinnati District Office
John W. Peck Federal Building
550 Main Street, Ste 10-273
Cincinnati, OH 45202 - Columbus District Office
Bricker Federal Building
200 North High Street, Room 618
Columbus, OH 43215 - SR-B33 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
U.S. Senator Jon Husted (R):
Appointed by Governor Mike DeWine (R)
By E-Mail:
- Visit here to share your opinion.
By Phone:
- Washington DC: (202) 224-3353
By U.S. Postal Service:
- SR-198 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine-R
By U.S. Postal Service:
- Governor’s Office
- Riffe Center
- 77 South Street, 30th Floor
- Columbus 43215-6117
By E-Mail:
- Click here for link.
By Phone:
- Governor’s Office
- (614) 644-4357
- Senior Legislative Liaison
- (614) 466-2828
- (614) 995-1850
- Policy Director
- (614) 466-5585
State Senator Theresa Gavarone-R (SD-2):
- All Erie County precincts are now in the district of the 2nd Senate:
By U.S. Postal Service:
- Senate Building
- 1 Capitol Square
- 2nd Floor, Room 138
- Columbus, OH 43215
By E-mail:
- Click here for link.
By Phone:
- (614) 466-8060
State Representative DJ Swearingen-R (HD-89):
- All of Erie County precincts are now in the district of the 89th House
By U.S. Postal Service:
- 77 South High Street, 13th Floor
- Columbus, OH 43215
By E-mail:
- Click here for link.
By Phone:
- (614) 644-6011
U.S. Senate:
- Message: My name is _____, my zip code is _____.
- I am calling about (the name of the issue or number of the bill)
U.S. Representative:
- Message: My name is _____, my zip code is _____.
- I am calling about (the name of the issue or number of the bill)
Governor Mike DeWine:
- Message: My name is _____, my zip code is _____.
- I am calling about (the name of the issue or number of the bill)
Ohio Senate:
- Message: My name is _____, my zip code is _____.
- I am calling about (the name of the issue or number of the bill)
Ohio House:
- Message: My name is _____, my zip code is _____.
- I am calling about (the name of the issue or number of the bill)